Sunday, March 22, 2009

Guatemala 2009

We leave for Guatemala in the morning and thought it
would be fun to start the blog again. For all you former
foster moms, I will try to post lots of photos of Antigua.

I still have most of my packing to do so I better get busy. I have added a few photos of the children's clothes that were donated to take to Guatemala. Thank you to all the kind, generous parents of Grand County who donated. We are blessed to live in this small, caring community.


Pat and Lee Anne said...

You collected a ton of clothes! Awesome! Have fun! Lee Anne

Armstrong's said...

Yea! So excited for you guys. Kylee and Eli look soo big. Can't wait to see the Antigua pics. Hug Maria and Virgina for us!

Beth said...

So glad to see the photos of the kids. How sweet.. & they are so big.I will be praying for your trip. Have a wonderful vacation! So glad you can get away before Grady gets busy with work.
Love, Beth

Leslie, Brett & kids said...

Thanks so much for the photos of the kids and V&R. Wish that we could be there w/ you, especially since Kylee misses the kids! Plse post more and let us know how your efforts to meet E's bm are going.
Love, Leslie