Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Final Days

We arrived back in Colorado on Monday but enjoyed our last few days in Antigua. I must say that two weeks is not enough time. On Saturday we went to the Finca el Pilar for a beautiful hike with Maria's daughter and then headed to Maria's house for lunch. Eli and Kylee cooled off at Maria's place by playing in the water.

See if you can find little Kylee in the first picture:)

This will be our last post. Thank you to everyone that wrote comment, it is so nice to hear from you.

Take care. Que Dios te bendiga.


Armstrong's said...

Thanks for posting so we could hear about your trip. It was great to see the pics of Antigua and Maria, but also to see your kids looking so grown up! Glad you are home safe and sound! Have a very happy Easter!

Beth said...

thanks for posting.great to see pictures of your trip and the kids. I still have the one of Kylee with her bear in a sling (after you went back home) on my computer. :)Hope you had a blessed Easter.

Kimberly said...

Hey there!
I'm so jealous you got to back to Guatemala! Eli and Kylee are so big. It brought tears to my eyes! It's amazing to see everyone doing so well back in the states!

I would love for us all to get together for a reunion. The mini-reunion with Emily and Lee Anne was awesome! Maybe after I bring #2 home, we could plan something?!?

Miss you!